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Discover the Perfect Mount: Ultimate Guide to World Globe Mounting Styles for Every Home and Office

Ultimate Globes

World Globe Mounting Styles

Globes come in a variety of mounting styles. Choose a mounting technique that meets the functionality of the way you intend to use the world globe. Here you will find a listing of the various mounting styles most commonly used by manufacturers to display their world globes.

When shopping our site, select the “Mounting Style” options filter to see globes that contain a meridian that features the specific style you are looking to purchase.

What is a Meridian?

Simply put, a meridian is a ring that encompasses the globe. When it only covers half the world globe from the north to the south pole, this is called a semi-meridian. If it encompasses the entire globe, this is referred to as a full meridian. The meridian is used to mount a globe to its stand.

Many meridians contain latitude (coordinate) markings on them, which start at the equator 0° and run to 90° at the north and south pole. The meridian is a useful way to locate a place on a globe; however, many globes already include longitude and latitude markings on the map itself, so it is not a critical element to have.

Odyssey Globe - WP11008 - Ultimate Globes


The "Semi-Meridian" style is the standard mounting for most desk globes and encompasses half of the world globe, this is a fairly uncommon mounting for floor globes. With this mounting, the globe can be spun left or right on its axis. View Desk Globes / Floor Globes with this style.


Full-Swing Meridian

The "Full-Swing Meridian" includes a full meridian attached to a yoke, which provides for dual control of your globe. With this style, you will be able to spin the world globe left or right as well as swing the globe up or down. This style provides the best viewing of the globe without having to pick it up and is a common feature on both desk and floor standing globes. View Desk Globes / Floor Globes with this style.

Atlas Globe - RP-37600 - Ultimate Globes

Full Meridian

The "Full Meridian" circles the entire globe and is stationary, allowing you to spin the world globe left or right on its axis but cannot swing the globe up or down as the "Full-Swing Meridian" style. This style will typically be associated with purely decorative desk globes. View Desk Globes with this style.

Finley Globe - RP - 65132 - Ultimate Globes

Cradle Mount

The "Cradle Mount" style features a full meridian. The meridian rests between notches in the stand and a wooden dowel located at the center of the base.

This style allows you to spin the globe left or right on its axis as well as turn the meridian within the cradle mounting so that you can view the northern or southern hemispheres. It is an uncommon mounting on desktop globes and is mainly used to mount larger floor globes. View Desk Globes / Floor Globes with this style.

Light & Color Globe (charcoal) - WP40001 - Ultimate Globes

Inclination Mount

The "Inclination Mounting" features the globe sphere without a meridian, and at a fixed angle. The globe can be spun left or right on its axis.

While mainly available on desk globes, there are a few floor globes that include this mounting. This style is considered a more modern style mounting and is seen quite often on decorative desk globe styles and is fairly uncommon on floor globes. View Desk Globes / Floor Globes with this style.

Day & Night Kids' Globe w/AR App Features - RP - 83523 - Ultimate Globes

Sit on Top

The "Sit on Top" mount allows you to pick up the globe to view and position it on the base how you prefer.

This style is a very basic mounting and unique to only a few decorative and revolving globe styles along with some classroom globes. This mounting is generally not available on floor globes. View Desk Globes with this style.

Now that you know how globes are mounted, you probably found your favorite style. Start your shopping now, and select your mounting style from the style filter to find just the right world globe.